Burn Season is Near!
What do I need to know right now?
Controlled burns do typically require a permitting process prior to execution, so if you are wanting to burn this spring you should contact The Pizzo Group right away. The process is not difficult or costly, but there can be a wait time to get your permit reviewed and approved by the regulatory body.
Why burn my natural area?
The controlled burning of natural areas replicates the historic fires that swept through our Midwestern natural communities on a regular basis. Fire keeps the herbaceous plant species healthy while controlling the growth of woody plant species. It also clears away all of the dead plant material exposing the ground to sunlight, native plants take advantage of the warmer soil temperatures and begin to grow more quickly in the spring. A burned system will typically have 2-3 more weeks of growth verses and un-burned system.
Where do burns happen?
Historic fires were not selective, they burned through every type of system. Prairies, wetlands and even woodlands burned with regularity. It is important to burn our Midwestern woodlands, the bulk of our trees are adapted to fire and will survive a controlled burn executed by professionals. Implementing fire within our woodlands helps to control the growth of Maple species, which can take over a woodland and shade out the wildflowers if left unchecked.

The Pizzo Group regularly burns the naturalized slopes of ponds for HOA’s throughout the suburbs and has burned a prairie hillside right next to Soldier Field in Chicago. When you engage trained professionals, controlled burns can be implemented in virtually any urban and suburban natural area.
What’s the best time to do a burn?
Fall and spring are considered “Burn Season”. The fuels (grasses or leaves) need to be dead and dry in order to burn and weather conditions need to be right for safety reasons. Since it is based on weather it changes every year, but typically burn season runs from November through the end of April.
What happens after the burn?
Just like you maintain your lawn and landscape, you need to maintain natural spaces. The Pizzo Group calls it “stewardship”. Stewardship is a regular program to manage the land to benefit the native species.
Ok, I’m interested…how do I get started?
Contact The Pizzo Group below to schedule, and they will contact you with the next steps.